Despite appeal by FG, NUCEEFWW/CCESSA begins 3 days warning strike over anti-workers activities - DAILY CITY NEWSPAPER


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Monday, February 5, 2024

Despite appeal by FG, NUCEEFWW/CCESSA begins 3 days warning strike over anti-workers activities

Taken from Despite appeal by Federal Government, organised Labour in construction industry under the umbrella of National Union of Civil Engineering Construction, Furniture and Wood Workers and Construction (NUCEEFWW) and Civil Engineering Senior Staff Association (CCESSA) have have started their three days warning strike to press home their demands. The warning strike scheduled to commence from Monday 5 is to draw the attention of everyone to the conditions the workers in construction industry have been subjected to, based on the refusal of the employer to address their demands for upward wage review and other condition of service. Citing anti-workers activities among others by the employer, they accused their employers, the Construction and Civil Engineering Employers Association of Nigeria (CCEEAN), to implement a wage award for workers in the construction industry. They accused CCEEAN of deliberate refusal to implement the N35,000 wage award which was part of an agreement reached between the Federal Government and the organized Labour to alleviate the impact of subsidy removal. According to the unions, the planned strike is to press home their demands which their employers have systematically trampled under feet for some time. "Following the decision reached at the joint NEC Meeting of NUCECFWW/CCESSA held on Thursday 25" January 2024, over employers (FOCI) refusal to discuss with NUCECFWW/CCESSA the implementation of the Wage Award agreed between the Federal Government and organized Labour. The Joint NEC of both Unions have directed all members (NUCECFWW/CCESSA) to proceed on three (3) days warning strike starting Monday 5” February 2024, on the first instance to press home our demand." It would be recalled that federal government on Wednesday 31 January 2024 appealed to the unions to give room for peaceful and amicable resolve of the issues at stake. In the appeal, the Minister of State for Labour and Employment, Nkeiruka Onyejeocha, Onyejeocha expressed displeasure over the inability of the workers to attend the conciliation meeting to which they were invited. The Minister said as government endeavor to fulfil promises made to the people, all Nigerians should support effort towards industrial peace and harmony." For ADVERT Placement; for EVENT Coverage; Have story to PUBLISH; HAVE Breaking story with pictorial evidence OR wants to assist by DONATIONS, kindly contact us via Thank you.’s goal: To interface between policy makers & general public, most influential, informative and reliable issues-based online newspaper, working for unity, peace and development of the Country. Disclaimer: Comments expressed here do not in anyway reflect the opinions of or any employee thereof. It assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the comments.

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