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Tuesday, July 2, 2024


IN THE NAME OF JESUS, MAY THE GOD OF THE SUDDENLY LOCATE YOU WITH UNCOMMON & UNEXPECTED BREAKTHROUGHS BEFORE END OF TODAY, IN THE NAME OF JESUS. AS YOU SPEND TIME IN HIS PRESENCE, YOU SHALL SWIM IN DIVINE PROSPERITY THROUGH CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD-Matt 6:33. Written by Dr D.K. Olukoya, General Overseer, MFM worldwide Posted by MFM Topic, Wed 3 July 24:- children as plants and pillars ANY POWER OR ACTIVITY, ASSIGNED TO USE ME AS TOOL OF DISCOURAGEMENT OR FRUSTRATION TO MEMBERS OF THIS CHURCH, YOUR TIME IS UP, RELEASE ME, DIE IN THE NAME OF JESUS. ANY POWER, PROBLEM, ASSIGNED TO QUENCH MY FAITH & CONFIDENCE IN WORD OF GOD, HOLY GHOST FIRE, CONSUME THEM, IN THE NAME OF JESUS. Welcome to the life-changing programme that always connect participants for an encounter with the God that Answers by Fire. MFM 2024: OUR YEAR OF OPEN DOORS & DIVINE SPEED PRAISE & WORSHIP: Through the love of God our Saviour, all will be well. Free and changeless is his favour, all, all is well. Precious is the blood that healed us, perfect is the grace that sealed us, strong the hand stretched forth to shield us, all must be well. 2 Though we pass through tribulation, all will be well. Ours is such a full salvation, all, all is well. Happy, still in God confiding, fruitful, if in Christ abiding, holy, through the Spirit’s guiding, all must be well. 3 We expect a bright tomorrow, all will be well. Faith can sing through days of sorrow, 'All, all is well.' On our Father’s love relying, Jesus every need supplying, in our living, in our dying, all must be well. BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Psalm 75, Psalms 76, Psalms 77, 2 Corinthians 10, 2 Corinthians 11 MEMORY VERSE: “That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace:” – Psalm 144:12 (KJV) MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE: In partnership with the Holy Spirit, you shall be able to fulfil the divine mandate in bringing up godly children. PROPHETIC WORD, 3 JULY: YOUR CHILDREN SHALL BE GOD’S DELIGHT AND HIS HERITAGE INDEED, IN THE NAME OF JESUS. FIRE SCRIPTURE: Psalm 127:3-5 {KJV} 3 Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. 4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. 5 Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate. WED 3 JULY MESSAGE: Children are God’s own heritage, His sole property and belonging. Parents are merely stewards, working hand in hand with God to bring up His heritage according to His desire and purpose for them. Every godly parent should be in partnership with the Holy Spirit to succeed in the ministry of parenting according to divinely laid down principles. God desires that our sons may be like strong plants in their youth. Consequently, they grow into strong and godly men as they continue in the way of the Lord. This prepares them to become godly men, fathers and husbands who will build godly homes and continue in like manner to build God’s kingdom on earth. The same thing refers to our daughters who are expected to become like pillars and not caterpillars. Not mere pillars, but such that is fashioned after the similitude of the palace, well rounded, sculptured and polished, displaying godly beauty in their lives. This implies that parents should bring up their children in the way of the Lord such that when they grow up, they will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). Parents and parents to be, take note! You have a divine responsibility to perform over the children that God has committed to your hands, whether they are biological or spiritual children. How are you tending God’s plants? Do you nurture your children, feed and care for them to ensure that they grow according to divine purpose. Your nurturing calls for teaching them the word of God, good morals, how to live righteously in this evil world, how to relate amicably and maintain healthy and godly living. Teach your children godly values to make them outstanding and exemplary in life. Teach them about integrity, diligence and healthy financial management, so that they don’t mismanage their resources as they grow up, but will know how to honour God with their lives and possessions. Your daughters should be rightly moulded to become candidates for godly homes as wives and mothers in future. Jesus, as a child, experienced a physical, mental and spiritual growth (Luke 2:52). The same is true of Samuel, Esther and the daughters of Philip. We can have more of them in our homes by the help of the Holy Spirit, bringing them up to grow in like manner and having favour with God and man. PRAYER POINTS: MORNING 1) Powers that redesign children’s destiny for evil, my children are not your candidate, fail woefully, in the name of Jesus. 2) My children shall not become misfired arrows, in the name of Jesus. 3) Divine agenda for my children’s lives, be fulfilled by the power of God, in the name of Jesus. EVENING 4) My children, become true heritages of the Lord, in the name of Jesus. 5) My son(s) and daughter(s) shall become healthy plants and godly pillars, in the name of Jesus. 6)Mention your children’s names) fulfil your divine purpose by the power of the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus. 7) Father Lord, help me to know and do Your will in my children’s lives, in the name of Jesus. Special Notice by Salvation of your soul is very vital to God. Beloved Reader, Remember! John 3:3 says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless ye are born again, ye cannot see the kingdom of God.” If you are ready to give your life to Christ Jesus, please pray the displayed prayer below in faith: Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. I confess all my sin, have mercy on me, forgive me all my sin. Lord Jesus come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Saviour. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to set me free. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus name Amen. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation! Congratulations! You are now born again. You need to belong to a Bible-Believing Church where you can know more. For testimonies, counselling or prayer requests, write or call:, +234 (0)808 770-0112 ; OR Digital call centre:-016308050 Weekly Activities: Sunday Worship Service, 7am to 10am. Bible Study: 5-7pm. Wednesday Revival/Manna Water Service:4.30pm to 7pm. Every Friday, Prayer Rain (except Friday before PMCH) in Prayer City. Monthly Programme: First Saturday of every month; Power Must Change Hands (PMCH)7am to 9am. May the Lord God of hosts that is always answering prayers with miracles, signs, wonders, transformation of lives and salvation of souls in this church, locate you with your heart desires, now now, through Jesus Christ our Lord. MAY THE PEACE OF THE LORD BE WITH YOU!! FEEDBACK: Esteemed Readers, wants to hear from you: by ADVERT Placement; for EVENT Coverage; Have story to PUBLISH; HAVE Breaking story with pictorial evidence OR wants to assist by DONATIONS, kindly contact us via Thank you.’s goal: To interface between policy makers & general public, be most influential, informative and reliable issues-based online newspaper, working for unity, peace and development of the Country. Disclaimer: Comments expressed here do not in anyway reflect the opinions of or any employee thereof. It assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the comments.

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